House Sitting in Australia for Digital Nomads: How to Combine Work and Travel

Hey there fellow digital nomads! Are you looking for a way to combine work and travel? Well, house sitting in Australia may just be the perfect solution for you. Not only is it a cost-effective and comfortable way to travel, but it also allows you to live like a local and truly immerse yourself in the culture. We’ve got some tips and tricks on how to find the right assignments and make the most of your house sitting experience, so keep reading!

Create a profile on

First things first, you need to create a killer profile on You can sign up here. Make sure to include all of your relevant experience, any special skills you have, and a recent photo of yourself. It’s important to be honest and upfront about what you’re looking for and what you can offer as a house sitter. Being upfront will save you and the homeowner a lot of headaches in the long run.

Start applying for house sits

Once your profile is all set, start browsing through the available house sitting assignments on Pay attention to the location, length of stay, and any specific requirements for each assignment. Take some time to read through the homeowner’s listing too, it’ll give you a sense of who they are and what they’re looking for in a house sitter.

When you find an assignment that interests you, make sure to tailor your application to the specific homeowner. This shows that you took the time to read through their listing and understand their needs. When communicating with a homeowner, be responsive and professional. This will give them the peace of mind that you’re reliable and responsible.

Be prepared and respectful

When you secure an assignment, setting up a comfortable workspace is crucial. If the homeowner has a spare room or office that you can use, great! But if not, make sure to bring your own equipment and make the best of the space you have. A comfortable chair, good lamp, and reliable internet connection will go a long way.

Remember to be respectful of the homeowner’s property and to leave it in the same condition as when you arrived. This means keeping common areas clean and tidy, and following any specific rules or guidelines set out by the homeowner.

Enjoy the experience

Now, don’t just sit around and work the whole time, make the most of your house sitting experience by immersing yourself in the local culture. Take advantage of the opportunity to live like a local, explore the area and meet new people. This will not only enhance your travel experience but also give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of the culture.

In conclusion, house sitting in Australia is a fantastic way for digital nomads to combine work and travel. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find the right assignments and make the most of your experience. With, you’ll find the perfect match for your needs and desires and be sure to have a comfortable, safe and cultural-rich experience. Happy house sitting and traveling!



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